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Verschillende afbeeldingen van kerstmarkten

No hassle, just coziness!
Cashless payments at your Christmas market.

Whether it's a cozy Christmas market in the city or the year-end company event with colleagues, Tactile provides support.


With products for fast access control and cashless payments, we ensure a smooth flow, allowing us all the time to enjoy the coziest time of the year.

No more waiting

Designed with the aim of reducing waiting times for your visitors. They no longer need in line for tokens, as they can top up anywhere, and experience super-fast payments at the bar.

Real-time insights

Maintain constant real-time insight into your financial situation and take immediate action if necessary. Additionally, all suppliers have access to their own dashboard, where they have complete control over payouts, products, and prices.


The visitor experience is paramount, whether it concerns young people or seniors. The system is designed to be easy and clear for everyone.

Our products, your christmas market



✓  Fast

✓  Always online

✓  Automatic refund

✓  Top-up anywhere


Event insights

✓  SMS, Notificatie, Mail

✓  Real-time insights

✓  Many email templates


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